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Who decides what you think with?
This website is dedicated to
the Possibility that your answer
to that question will soon be: "I do."
Memetics Engineering: the detection, creation, transformation, and application of memes.
Memetic Engineering is an inner transformation process (Whole Permaculture) typically applied in the context of Possibility Psychology.
The connection between Possibility Psychology and Memetic Engineering is the well-known Possibility Management assertion:
Something completely different from this is possible right now.
One of the differences between Possibility Psychology and other schools of Psychology is that Possibility Psychology is centered on nonlinear possibility as a resource for healing and transformation, rather than trying to achieve analysis and understanding.
You will comprehend how Memetic Engineering uses nonlinear possibility as a resource when you experience the transformational efficiency of the shifts occurring during a Memetic Engineering healing and transformation process, as described in sections below.
'Content' is the facts and formulas you are given in school years and media to think about.
In comparison, 'thoughtware' is what you use to think with.
School does not investigate thoughtware.
In fact, if you could not already think, they would not have let you into school.
This means you already had your thoughtware before you went to school.
So where did you get your thoughtware?
From your parents, before you went to school.
Where did your parents get their thoughtware?
From their parents.
And where did their parents get their thoughtware?
From their parents before then.
This means that you are using thoughtware that has been unconsciously handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
You are using very outdated thoughtware.
Other thoughtware is available.
Think how often you update the programs in your phone or laptop.
When was the last time you even inspected the thoughtware you are using for the most delicate and important internal and external operations in your life?
You are using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
It is no wonder you are helping to create the less-than-wonderful results we human beings are creating on planet Earth today.
You are probably still trying to be reasonable in a culture that is annihilating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
You might want to rethink your commitments.
You might want to consider upgrading your thoughtware.
Resistance to upgrading your human thoughtware can come from your implicit awareness that between shifting out of using your old thoughtware and before activating your new thoughtware, you are cast into the void of nothingness where you have no thoughtware. This is the Gap In Thoughtware.
The name of the experience of being in the gap between old and new thoughtware is a multi-body Liquid State.
What do you feel in the Liquid State of falling into the Gap in Thoughtware? Fear.
If it is not okay for you to consciously experience and express high intensity fear then you will reflexively - that is, automatically and unconsciously - block any process of upgrading your thoughtware.
Being a victim of fear, being uninitiated into consciously feeling adult and archetypal levels of fear, forces you to continue using very outdated thoughtware. In other words, you are using S.H.I.T. thoughtware.
Contrary to what you might assume, thoughtware does not occupy only one body, the mind.
Thoughtware does not only involve thoughts.
Thoughtware shapes the way life-energies flow through your Energetic Body. In this way, thoughtware shapes who you are, what is possible for you, what you are aware of, what you can take authority for, etc.
In this way, your thoughtware shapes the way you are regarded by the Universe.
Your thoughtware is a central determinant of what the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) can do with you, what alchemical ingredient you can be for them in causing an evolution of consciousness process for you, for another person, for a local or global gameworld, or for the Earth's morphogenetic field.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you experience your current life as somehow stagnant, somehow stuck, if your work or love-life seems stale, if excitement seems to be passing you by... it could be your old thoughtware.
- If your thoughtware shapes who you are as a Being, your possibilities, your ability to take responsibility and authority in a gameworld, and,
- If E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) puts people into different circumstances to participate in different processes of the evolution of consciousness, and,
- If it feels like you have been going stale, getting bored, standing on a shelf collecting dust for a long time in the E.C.C.O. office, and,
- If you are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore, then,
- If you upgrade your thoughtware so that your Being takes a different shape, then suddenly you offer new possible ways for E.C.C.O. to use you in their evolution of consciousness processes. Voila! Your circumstances mysteriously change! Yes, Liquid States of thoughtware-upgrade changes might be scary... and... so?
Although they were not explicit, distinctions about memes and Memetic Engineering have been key contributors to Possibility Management's efficacy ever since Clinton Callahan activated his first Research Team in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1975.
These distinctions were formulated into Possibility Management thoughtmaps when Callahan delivered the first Expand The Box training in March 1998 in Hamburg, Germany.
Since then, Memetic Engineering principles, distinctions, and procedures have been at the core of Possibility Management adulthood initiations in Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, Feelings Practitioner sessions, Whole Permaculture, and Possibility Labs.
However, formalizing 'Memetic Engineering' into a specific personal-development healing and initiation process began only in 2018, after the Possibility Management Trainers had already been delivering Expand The Box trainings for twenty years.
Why has it taken so long for Memetic Engineering itself to appear? Several theories give hints:
- A Memetic Engineering Client needs to be able - to some degree - to inner navigate and consciously feel. Twenty years were needed to develop the clarity and effective training processes supporting people learning to consciously feel.
- A large enough body of Possibility Management Trainers needed a particular degree of professionalism and competence to have the Matrix to effectively create and navigate the subtle precisions of a Memetic Engineering process space.
- We have figured out that successful emotional healing processes can bring a person into the small HERE, small NOW, and small 'I' conditions of the Adult Ego State. This alone is a remarkable victory, both for the Client and the Trainer, and unfortunately it is still rare on planet Earth... Yet it turns out that stability in the Adult Ego State is necessary but not sufficient to propel a person through the doorway into the Archetypal Domains where human beings can finally fly. The breakthrough came in early November 2017 at Irena Goikolea's Amalura Center near Bilbao, Spain during the Intimacy Journeyer Training when for the first time Anne Lovis Schmid spontaneously diagrammed the 5th Body - the Archetypal Body - on PM's traditional 4 Bodies thoughtmap. Suddenly it became evident that even if other conditions might be optimal for accessing the 5th Body, blockages could also be memetic. If a person's Being is still imprisoned in their survival-purpose Memetic Construct, their Being cannot fly in the Archetypal Domains.
the bones of the matter
Your Meme Construct is located deep inside of your Being, but ever since you made your Meme Construct, you have been living inside of it.
Up until now, you have not owned your Meme Construct. Instead, your Meme Construct owns you.
Your Meme Construct is a dead mechanical device, a machine. You stimulate it here, it reacts over there, in the same way, every time.
The way out of the dead mechanical reactivity of your Meme Construct's survival strategy is through becoming fiercely aware of precisely how the parts of your Meme Construct trigger one another and work together.
Awareness is the transformational force in Memetic Engineering.
A Meme Construct con look like the inside of a mechanical watch.
It moves, but it is dead.
It operates like a robot.
You can think of your Meme Construct as an old refrigerator that you have been living inside of for decades.
Maintaining intense awareness of your Meme Construct as a 'Meme Construct' only happens if you are standing outside of your Meme Construct.
In your daily life, when you hear the grinding gears of the Meme Construct, this is the signal to differentiate that you are standing freely inside of the vast inner space of your Being, and noticing that old prison-like Meme Construct doing the only thing it can do, over there, still making noises like an old refrigerator. You can ignore the noises.
A useful relationship to your Meme Construct is the attitude of amazement.
You can be amazed at the creativity of your survival oriented Meme Construct... You thought it up. You kept it operating all these years. That is amazing.
By maintaining fierce awareness of your Meme Construct, you will find more space inside of your Being, space for unfolding qualities of Being that you may not even know are possible to activate.
Staying aware of the construct will help you avoid re-enacting self-imprisoning, self-suppressing, or self-destructive patterns.
Familiar but unhelpful thoughts come from your past, from the construct, from how it was in your whole life until now.
By maintaining your awareness of the workings of the construct, you are outside of the construct. You enter a bigger space inside of you.
The construct no longer dominates your actions or designs your future. Through taking conscious possession of your Meme Construct you step into a new future.
Notice where your ideas come from. If they come from your construct, just see them as 'thoughts from the construct', like sounds from an ancient refrigerator. Just because the refrigerator is still there does not mean you have to go inside of it. Ignore it like the humming of the refrigerator. Awesome.
Your original Meme Construct will eventually decompose all by itself and will fade away from lack of use.
ORIGINAL ISSUE: I do not deserve kindness because... (many stories, both in this lifetime and in past lifetimes, e.g. I did something bad. I hurt others. I tried to give people the truth but they twisted it around to hurt others. So I caused the devastation of a lot of people through ignorance. etc.)
I do not deserve kindness.
If someone is kind to me, I would be tempted to be kind in return.
If I am kind I would radiate goodness and originality.
If I radiate goodness and originality then other people will come and take everything away from me, rape me, destroy me, demonize me, and abandon me... (again, substantiated by many stories from this lifetime.)
Therefore, I cannot be kind to anyone.
And, I cannot let anyone be kind to me.
I do not deserve kindness.
ORIGINAL ISSUE: Hashimoto disease - holding onto an unsolvable inner paradox conflict that has nowhere to go but your guts.
The past was best. It can only get worse.
If I keep the world from changing I will be safe.
I must keep the fear of conflict and paradox in me because being exhausted is familiar and safe.
I am not allowed to be present because then I will shine.
If I shine, things will change for the worse.
Going into the future keeps me out of the present so I don't shine.
I want to go into the future to know what will happen before it creates pain.
Trying to know what will happen in the future is an exhausting paradox, but the exhaustion is familiar.
If I am already good at something, it comes from the past so it is best.
I have to do what comes from the past even if it does not nurture me.
If I force myself to have to do something that does not nurture me, I won't shine.
Memetic Engineering is the detection, creation and transformation of memes.
Memetic Engineering is an archetypal conversation technology through which you have the possibility to observe in detailed slow-motion the memes that you use everyday to interact, create, move, make offers or block yourself.
Below you find examples of a Memetic Engineering Introduction, several Memetic Engineering Sessions, and a couple of Memetic Engineering Wrap-Ups.
Before studying them, it is important to highlight that memes are neither good nor bad, right or wrong. Memes are memes, and each memes creates particular results in a person's life.
Through becoming intensely aware of the particulars of your meme-construct you find yourself standing outside of your meme-construct, looking at it from the outside. Without changing or dismantling your meme-construct you suddenly have more freedom of movement than the meme-Construct would allow.
In a Memetic Engineering session, the Memetic Engineer holds no intention for you to use or not use any particular memes. Use whatever memes you want. Simply be aware of which of your memes is choosing your memes...
The purpose of a Memetic Engineering session is for you, the Client, to become fiercely aware of the Meme Construct you have assembled as your core life strategy.
Awareness itself causes alchemical transformation.
(Alchemical Transformation is transformation that catalyzes the evolution of consciousness.)
- If you take on Meme B to contradict or counteract Meme A, you are still controlled by Meme A.
- Your Meme Construct determines what is possible in your life because it is part of your Inner Structure, and is the Memetic Interface between you and the world.
- Any part of your Meme Construct that you do not own, owns you.
- If you are not living in fierce awareness of your Meme Construct then you have no other options then to enact your Meme Construct. Awareness of the Meme Construct gives you freedom to choose something other than your Meme Construct.
- A Memetic Engineering Process begins with an Introduction and ends with a Wrap Up.
- If a person is interested in adult presence, unfolding their own potential, or offering Memetic Engineering as a service to others, a Memetic Engineering session usually takes about 90 minutes and is available from Anne-Chloé Destremau, Ana Norambuena, or Martina Riccarda Niklis for a sliding scale of 150€ to 250€ payable by personal PayPal transfer.
NOTE: By explaining a few distinctions you set the context for the extraordinarily safe but profound space of a Memetic Engineering Session.
Memetic Engineer:
- As we begin, I would like to explain what I mean by the word 'meme', which is a term coined by Clinton Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene.
- A 'meme' is comparable to a 'gene', in so far as a 'gene' is the smallest instruction for the design of your physical body, and a 'meme' is the smallest instruction for the design of your intellectual body, your mind.
- A meme is an idea in its simplest state, formulated as a distinction, a story, a conclusion, or a statement of how things are.
- (NOTE FOR THE MEMETIC ENGINEER: A meme is a Declaration that you formulate in Verbal Reality so as to shape Experiential Reality. Becoming responsibly aware of memes and developing skills in Memetic Engineering is a Wizard initiation. To explain, the Aramaic/Hebrew phrase 'abruq ad babra' is a declaration that means, "I create as I speak.")
- To be clear, a Memetic Engineering process is different from an Emotional Healing process. In an Emotional Healing process we use emotion as a doorway. We follow the emotion back to its point of origin, and discover old decisions you made in a time where those decisions made sense. Decisions continue to do their work on your 5 Bodies even if you forgot that you made them.
- In a Memetic Engineering process process uses the current meme you are wrestling with now as a doorway. We follow the meme back to its point of origin, which is your Memetic Construct. In Memetic Engineering, being able to consciously feel is useful, but not central. If a feeling or emotion comes up during this process, please experience it because that will allow you to be more present with what is actually happening. But we will be doing Memetic Engineering, a process from Possibility Psychology.
- What we have discovered is that each person has built, at the core of their Being, a 'Memetic Construct' that serves as an interface and translator between your Being and the outside world.
- Your Meme Construct is built out of somewhere between three to ten memes.
- What we are going to do now is have a very close look at your Memetic Construct.
- We are not going to analyze or judge your Memetic Construct.
- There is nothing wrong with your Meme Construct. It has served you well because you have survived.
- We are not going to try to change your Memetic Construct in any way. It is not broken, and it is not wrong or stupid.
- Again, your Memetic Construct works just fine, doing exactly what it was intended to do, allowing you to survive.
- What we ARE going to do is look with excruciating clarity at exactly how your Meme Construct is put together. We want to see how it works. We want to see its entire simplicity. That is all.
- We will go very slowly, straight down into your Meme Construct and become intensely aware of how it is put together.
- I am asking you to sense out all of its component parts.
- Becoming intimately aware of your Meme Construct gives you more clarity about what is going on in you and why.
- Awareness itself is a transformational force.
- At some point in the process you may feel embarrassed to be seen so clearly. This is natural. You may feel angry or scared about feeling so exposed. If you feel this, just tell me. These are appropriate feelings because we will see your bare bones, so to speak. You may feel shy about admitting that this is the Meme Construct that you built for yourself, but this was the best you could make at the time, and it has worked until now.
- Again, we will not judge or criticize your Memetic Construct. We only want to see exactly how it works. We want to look at it.
- There are no right answers to my questions. Do not try to give me right answers. Just tell me how it is put together in there.
- Do not have the intention to try to change anything. Your Meme Construct is not broken. It works perfectly doing what it does. Trying to change it is a totally different purpose. We only want to become aware of what is there.
- Without analyzing anything, just tell me what it is like in there. Describe how the pieces fit together.
- I will be writing down almost everything that you say to make a trail of our process. This will force us to go slowly and clearly. That is what we need to do.
- Memetic Engineering is primarily experiential, not intellectual.
- Going into your mind to try to figure something out will not help us. Your Memetic Construct is not in your mind. It is in your Being.
- You will sense out your Memetic Construct experientially. It is deep in your center. You will find it by sinking down out of your mind and into your Being. Please 'feel around' in there and report how the world is put together for you.
- Do you have any questions?
- Shall we begin?
- Please tell me the thing that is up for you now...
Client:'s Original Issue:
I have been seeing a man I am attracted to. We could even work together on a project. I would love to do that, but every time we get together it soon explodes and we go flying away from each other.
Memetic Engineer:
You are not able to negotiate intimacy with this man, and especially not able to make appropriate and workable boundaries with him. You are not able to say "Don't ever do that again!", or, "I am not available for this!" or, "Stop!" Is that a thing for you?
Yes. I feel like I need to get stern and react emotionally to protect myself. I'm not all in.
Memetic Engineer:
What does this mean "I'm not all in"?
I'm ongoingly terrified to make the wrong decision.
Memetic Engineer:
We are asking to you to go into the Construct that you use to interact with the world, particularly that part of the Construct that is informing you "I'm not all in." When you are in that part of the Construct, look around and tell us what you see. What does it mean "I'm not all in"?
I'm not all in because I'm scared.
Memetic Engineer:
It would be scary to be all in. (PP uses a Completion Loop so the Client feels heard.) What is so scary about being 'all in'? Please sense into how it is put together?
If I commit I will be strangled.
Memetic Engineer:
How strangled? Physically, emotionally, energetically?
If I'm all in, I have no option. I'm stuck. I can't take care of myself. I am not being heard.
Memetic Engineer:
If you are all in, you are not being heard, and you can't take care of yourself. Then you are in prison.
(Shows sadness.)
Memetic Engineer:
It's important to feel this sadness. Can you say what the sadness is about?
I'm alone because of this. I can't show myself because of this. I must stay small.
Memetic Engineer:
What motivates you to be small? What happens when you are not small?
I have no voice. I cannot have a voice. It's not allowed to have a voice.
Memetic Engineer:
Something will happen if you have a voice.
I won't be accepted. I won't be loved. I will be judged. I will lose love.
Memetic Engineer:
Why is that? How is having a voice connected to losing love?
If I say something the wrong way, then I go invisible.
Memetic Engineer:
You keep yourself in this smallness prison so that you won't say things the wrong way.
Yes, when I spoke my truth, he went away. When I was younger.
Memetic Engineer:
You couldn't speak your truth and not react. Speaking your truth chases people away.
It seems like I can't access my truth, because I must protect myself from losing love.
Memetic Engineer:
The construct is not allowing you to access your truth. You have your truth, but your construct blocks you from accessing it.
Speaking my truth doesn't work. If I show up in my full power, if I have a voice, I will be rejected. Therefore, I have to be small. If I go into my full power, I will hurt people.
Memetic Engineer:
Where does that come from?
I can't trust my words.
Memetic Engineer:
When you react - the thing that come out and hurts people - what is the purpose?
The purpose is to protect myself through attacking others. Otherwise I have to let go of what I want and be who they want.
Memetic Engineer:
You have a mechanism that destroys the possibility of actual intimacy. You destroy closeness before it happens. It is your reactivity, the thing that explodes out of you and hurts people by making them wrong.
I had to do this with my dad. I had to give up myself. I had to fit into his strong expectations. My dad removed his love when I didn't fit his expectations. I had to give up myself to be loved.
Memetic Engineer:
That was true back then. That was the best way you found out to survive around your dad. You have learned at lot since you were in that situation. You've learned how to consciously feel, to distinguish between feelings and reactive emotions, to keep your center, to notice your Box and your Gremlin, etc... The alternative to giving yourself up and reacting is to negotiate intimacy. To go 'all in', your Construct is telling you that you have to give up yourself. Why do you hold on to this idea of going 'all in'? Where does this idea of going 'all in' come from? What would be an alternative to going 'all in'?
I need to please people so that I am loved.
Memetic Engineer:
How can you be loved when you are not even being yourself?
It helps to become extremely aware of the Construct that you built in there to survive your early world. Can you tell us how your Construct goes?
If I go 'all in', I cannot protect myself. I can't be heard and I don't have a voice. Speaking my truth is not allowed. Then, when I'm not heard, I react (loudly, forcefully, aggressively) because if I don't speak loud enough then the message doesn't get across. I will be a victim if I don't speak.
Memetic Engineer:
You reactivity is your attempt at taking care of yourself.
Yes. Otherwise I will be judged, criticized, abandoned, and I will lose love. If I go 'all in' to a relationship and surrender, if I give the other person all the power, then I can't take care of myself. I have to give myself up. So my reactivity is to take care of myself.
Memetic Engineer:
You just found the core design of your Construct: React, or die.
Yes. (Tears.) React, or die. That's it! React, or die. But my reactivity kills intimacy. That's how intimacy ends for me, for my whole life. It comes down to: Be alone, or die.
Memetic Engineer:
By neutrally looking so closely at your Construct, by describing it so clearly, you move to the outside of the Construct. Suddenly you are no longer trapped within the mechanical workings of your Construct. Instead you are inhabiting more space inside of yourself. Can you feel that? There is plenty of more space inside of yourself to inhabit now. Do you see what you have just done? You own the Construct now, rather than your Construct owning you.
But what is the alternative to this 'all in' and reacting or dying?
Memetic Engineer:
The alternative is to negotiate intimacy. As soon as you notice the 'all in' mechanism getting activated, trying to react in order to save you from abandoning yourself, that's the signal that it is time to negotiate:
- Here is what I need.
- Tell me what you need.
- What's your purpose/ intention?
- What's my purpose/ intention?
- Let's find a way that we both get what we want.
I feel such a relief.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes, you are outside of your Construct but inside of yourself. You have a lot more space in there. Can you tell us what your experiment could be to practice living in so much new space?
I'm going to make an offer to other people to negotiate what I want and what they want, so we can both get what we want. Before I was 'all in' or die. Now, I can just ask for them to make me a better offer, and make better offers for them.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes, you hold the Red Cloth to the side and let the bull come charging past you, while you stay in relationship but do not go 'all in'. Negotiating is about: "Tell me what you need and want. This is what I need and want. We are creative Being. Let us create it so we both get what we want."
Thank you.
Client's Original Issue:
I don't know if I'm helping anybody.
I don't know if I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.
I don't have the sense that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.
I thought I could shift more easily.
I'm afraid that I don't have a circle. That it is *person A* 's circle.
I don't know how to provide value for my circle of people (my village).
Memetic Engineer:
You think that you have to provide something to your circle.
Yes, I think I am suppose to provide something special for my circle.
Memetic Engineer:
Before being part of this circle, which circle were you part of?
Before was my family circle. I always knew my place in that circle.
Memetic Engineer:
What was your place in that circle?
My place was being a sister, listening to them, helping them if they need anything. They can come to me whenever they need.
Memetic Engineer:
Do you think your personal circle should function the same way your family circle did?
Yes. And now I'm wondering why are the people in my circle not calling me, they are only calling each other.
I feel scared that I don't have anything else to provide them.
If I don't provide them with something valuable then I don't belong to that circle anywhere.
I'm used to being the one who has the most to provide in a circle.
Memetic Engineer:
Did you notice that you are mixing two things?
You are mixing up being with giving a lot. (Memetically equating 'being in a circle' with 'giving a lot to the others in the circle'.)
You think that 'being' equates to 'giving a lot', or 'having the most to give'.
Where did that come from?
Someone who is just being, being there, takes no stand. It's like not being there. There's no commitment to anything.
Memetic Engineer:
There's a different between 'giving' and 'taking' in a circle.
Do you know that difference?
Yes, one can either give space/attention/energy or take space/attention/energy from a circle.
Someone talking too much can take more out of the circle than they give.
Since this last training, I am confused what it means to 'be with' or 'be connected'.
What I saw is that they would accept people's insanity, they accept all parts of them.
I thought my job is to put people's insanity on the table and take it apart for them. Then they feel attacked.
But when I accept all parts then my connection to them is fake.
And people say I'm 'cold' or 'too serious' when I don't accept all parts of them without distinction.
I am conflicted if I think something different about a person but don't say it. Then I think I am not authentic.
I have a fantasy world that 'I can understand everybody' or that 'everybody understands and is can take responsibility for their own insanity'.
These fantasies are not realistic.
I have an ideal that people could share all their parts and come to a complete understanding with each other in a group, such as in an alternative community.
This makes me think that if I do not share all my parts and come to an understanding with everyone all the time then I am not authentic.
My thoughtware says that 'sharing everything is possible and desired'.
Memetic Engineer:
Where does that come from?
It comes from when I was 23 years old. (with sadness).
I wanted my family to understand where I was so I could feel better by feeling seen. I think that my sister and my mom saw me.
I was going through a radical change-of-context in my life right then. I had quit my job suddenly after years studying for exactly that position. I was in a huge inner liquid-state. But now that I think about it, I realize that they could not truly see me.
I did feel better because someone was there to listen to me.
Memetic Engineer:
How do you know when you have been heard? What is the experience of that? What clicks in you to make the experience that you've been heard?
I don't know.
Memetic Engineer:
(Ignoring the "I don't know," response from the Client and simply repeating the questions.) How do you know when you have been heard? What is the experience of that? What clicks in you to make the experience that you've been heard?
I feel heard when I see that other people understand how I created this whole construct for myself. They don't have to have the same construct. It is just important that they repeat back how I came to my conclusion and build my world.
Actually, now I see that I built this circle of friends and colleagues so I could feel like I am needed in a bigger circle. But so far I have not been actually using that circle to serve the purposes I built it for. Now I will start using my circle and call them so they can hear me and see all my parts and how I built them. This is so relieving.
Client's Original Issue:
I don't feel anything. I don't feel happy. I don't ever remember ever feeling happy. Now and then I get irritated about things around me. That is all.
Memetic Engineer:
When did you decide it was not okay to feel?
When I was twelve years old.
Memetic Engineer:
What happened then?
My dog Domino died in a violent way.
Memetic Engineer:
How did it happen?
I put Domino in the house because I was going to ride my bicycle down the street and I did not want him to run after me. It was too dangerous on the busy street. Just as I was driving away, my neighbor R rushed over to our house play with my brother. When they opened the door, Domino dashed out. They just let him out and did not stop him from running after me. They were not responsible. They didn't care. Domino ran after me and a car hit him. The driver stopped but did not do anything to help. Domino was in shock and I was in shock. I did not know what to do. He just lay there and bled out. (He feels nothing.)
Memetic Engineer:
When that was happening, when Domino was dying, what did you decide?
I decided to stop relying on everyone and everything. I could not trust anyone to watch out for me.
Memetic Engineer:
What else did you decide?
I decided that I could not trust life. At any moment something too painful could happen.
Memetic Engineer:
Life might be too painful for you.
Yes. Life is something to get through with as few bumps and bruises as possible.
Memetic Engineer:
How did you feel about your brother and R letting Domino run past them out into the street to follow you?
I was so angry. I hated them. Neither one of them has ever apologized to me for this. It is still between us now. We have never spoken about it. My parents didn't know how to be with me. They just wanted me to get over it.
Memetic Engineer:
This is a safe place right now. I am listening. I am being with you. Could you show me the anger that is still in your heart about this? Your heart is holding-on to this anger because it was never expressed. Your heart has its own words. They are simple words. It may feel strange because your mind will not know what your heart is going to say next. Please close your eyes and let your heart share that old anger in there with me.
(With closed fists and an angry voice.) I hate you! I am so angry at you! You were so irresponsible with Domino! You didn't care! You just let him run out and now he is dead.
Memetic Engineer:
(After some time.) Thank you. (Pause.) You have a Feelings Detector on your chest in front of your heart that can tell what percentage big each of your four feelings is. What percentage big was that anger that you just experienced and expressed?
I think that was about all of it. That was a lot of anger...
Memetic Engineer:
Actually, that was about 22% big anger.
Really? How do you know this?
Memetic Engineer:
Right now, my heart is connected with your heart even though you are half-way around the world. Over the years I have gradually calibrated my own Feelings Detector. Since I can accurately detect what I am feeling, I can also accurately detect what you are feeling. Please use your hand and turn your Feelings Detector so that it registers what you felt as 22% big anger. Tell me when you are done.
I am done. (Opens his eyes.)
Memetic Engineer:
Thank you. (Pause.) That was 22% intense anger. Are you okay? Check yourself to see if you are okay.
Yes. I am okay.
Memetic Engineer:
Anger can only be experienced and expressed at 100% maximum intensity. Adult human beings are designed to experience and express feelings and emotions at 100% maximum archetypal intensity. You are learning to Inner Navigate your feelings. You are doing super. Would you like to take another step?
Yes, I would.
Memetic Engineer:
Alrighty, then. You know where the anger is. You know how to let it get bigger and let your heart speak. Close your eyes. Don't hurt yourself, and don't hurt anybody else. These are the two rules. Do you agree?
Memetic Engineer:
Thank you. Go ahead. I am with you. I am listening.
(Client gets louder and angrier than before. At this point the internet connection drops out for about a minute. By the time the Memetic Engineer gets the connection running again the Client is ending the anger.)
Memetic Engineer:
Please come to a stop. (Pause.) Please keep your eyes closed. (Pause.) Please check your Feelings Detector and tell me what percentage big your anger was just now.
It was 30% big.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes! That is exactly right! It was exactly 30% big. Your Feelings Detector is now calibrated for anger. You are doing great with your Inner Navigation. Please check yourself and see if you are okay being at 30% intense anger.
Yes. I am okay.
Memetic Engineer:
I want to ask you a question. Just at the end of your anger there was another feeling coming from your heart. Please keep your eyes closed. What is this new feeling?
Memetic Engineer:
Yes. That is sadness. Your heart is broken with so much sadness. Please let your heart share its sadness with me about Domino dying. Please let the wall break.
(Slowly, gradually, the Client's face becomes sad.)
Memetic Engineer:
Yes. That is already 11% intense sadness. Now it's 15%, 19%...)
(A small moan comes out of the Client's voice.)
Memetic Engineer:
Yes, keep going. Let it get bigger and bigger. Let sadness take you over. Fall into it and let the sobs out. Your body knows how to cry. Let it do this. You have kept the sadness in there for so long. Now it is time to let it come free. You are doing super.
(Client feels bigger sadness.)
Memetic Engineer:
These emotions of anger and sadness have been in your heart for so long, ever since you were twelve years old. (Pause.) In some ways it looked like you stopped living when Domino died.
Yes. Wherever he went then, I wanted to be with him there. We were so close. When he died, I stopped living too.
Memetic Engineer:
There is something you did not get to do with Domino. You did not get to tell him goodbye.
Yes. That's right. I did not get to tell him goodbye for me... or for him... so we could both get on with our lives.
Memetic Engineer:
Please keep your eyes closed. You are now back on the street with Domino as he is dying. Stay with your feelings. Slowly reach out your arms and pick up Domino and hold him close to your chest so you can see his eyes.
(Reaches out. Picks up Domino's energetic body and holds him close.)
Memetic Engineer:
Please tell Domino what you remember about your time together, about a time you shared.
(Client tells of a summer day, walking together on trails through fields and the woods, playing around the whole day together.)
Memetic Engineer:
Thank you. Please tell Domino now, that when he died, a part of you died too, and that now you are in an process of learning how to consciously feel so you can come back to life.
(Client shares the story with Domino.)
Memetic Engineer:
Ask Domino if he would please tell you an experiment to try that will help you come back to life.
(Asks Domino, and then sits in silence.)
Memetic Engineer:
What did he say?
He said, "Jump over the wall."
(Both Memetic Engineer and Client start laughing out loud from deep in their bellies. Domino's suggestion has so much intelligence and simplicity.)
Memetic Engineer:
It looks like you are feeling another feeling right in this moment. You have already started feeling anger and sadness. What is this new feeling?
It is joy!
(Client says this softly with a smile of surprise on his face. He then opens his eyes in disbelief.)
I am feeling joy!
I can feel it, right here around my heart.
My heart feels joy! (Client looks up with wonder.)
I have come back to life.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes. You have jumped over the wall around your heart. (Pause.)
(Looks delighted and relieved.)
Client's Original Issue:
I need to be engaged with generating money or I am not valuable, I am lazy, I am not living up to the expectations that have been set for me.
Memetic Engineer:
We will not be looking into your mind. We will be looking into your Being to see the Meme Construct that is in there. Our job is NOT to try to change anything in there, or to even understand it. We are simply inspecting it clearly. Do you get this? We are not looking at your Meme Construct to judge it in any way. This is a neutral exploration.
Memetic Engineer:
How has this idea about needing to be generating money been influencing your living? What other memes in you is this particular meme connected to? When you start thinking: ' I am not valuable if I am not engaged with something to generate money' meme kicks in, what other memes go operational?
I will be left behind. I will be left in the dust.
Memetic Engineer:
What would happen if you were left behind?
There would be no roof above my head. There would be no people who have compassion for me. Nobody would want to spend time with me. It is an ongoing pressure in me.
Memetic Engineer:
This pressure that you feel in your center is the expectation on yourself that you generate money. There are many different possible pressures you could have. Why is this one so big for you?
(Sadness comes.) I have no status. I'm not being useful or productive.
Memetic Engineer:
Unconsciously suppressing this sadness until now has been part of the glue that holds your Meme Construct together in its current shape. What is your sadness about? And why have you been blocking it from your awareness?
This sadness comes from the idea that I would lose my relationship and connection to my friends if I follow my Bright Principles. I would be living out a different value set from my friends and family.
Memetic Engineer:
What is the imperative you hold about NOT using a value set that is not the same value set held by the people close to you?
They won't connect with me.
Memetic Engineer:
You are saying that you must sacrifice your own values in order to connect with people who have values different from you?
Yes. I have been sacrificing my own values a lot and it has been killing my life.
Memetic Engineer:
If you sacrifice your values as a strategy to connect, you are not even there as yourself for others to connect to. What kind of a 'you' remains for these other people to connect to?
Then I am some kind of false self, a show.
Memetic Engineer:
You have been stuck inside of this Meme Construct for a long time.
That's terrifying. I am being completely contradictory, asking for vulnerable connecting with people by offering them a fake self. It is self-destructive. It is insane.
Memetic Engineer:
In your perspective from inside of your Meme Construct the prison bars hang together. You cannot see it, but putting yourself inside of such a Meme Construct is a desperate maneuver. But you are not feeling what you have been doing to yourself all this time. By not feeling it, your Being will remain stuck deep inside that knot of memes.
(Shakes his head but shows no feelings. Paralysis or numbness like this is usually the sign of fear.)
Memetic Engineer:
I think you have a Meme Construct with a Double Bind. What this means is that you are trapped no matter which way you go. You cannot move this way or that way. Can you say what the Double Bind is? What does it feel like? What does it smell like? What kind of Principle does it serve?
The Double Bind feels so terrifying. It is metallic, that metallic smell. The Principles are Hiding, Sneakiness, Deceiving.
Memetic Engineer:
What is the Double Bind Meme Construct hiding?
It hides my true opinions and perceptions. It hides what I think, and what I feel, and what I value in life.
Memetic Engineer:
Such as which opinions, or perceptions, or values?
For example, it hides me from the reality of my ability to speak out. It blocks me from revealing my clarity that the world cannot change through organizational efforts.
Memetic Engineer:
You built your Double Bind Meme Construct before you understood anything about the world and about organizations. What were the original words of your Meme Construct when you first assembled it?
I need to hide. I need to hide myself, what I am, what I see, what I want, what I am here to change.
Memetic Engineer:
Nothing will change about your Double Bind Meme Construct until you get okay with feeling your fear about feeling what you have done to yourself for your whole life. You can stay inside of your Meme Construct for the rest of your life and you would keep having the kind of life you have had until now. You would keep being tormented and crushed by your Double Bind Meme Construct but you would survive, and most people would not know how much you are hurting yourself and how much you are deceiving them.
But what is the Double Bind? I don't get it?
Memetic Engineer:
The Double Bind is that on the one hand you cannot be lazy about making money because then you show people that you have values that are different from theirs, and on the other hand there is a part of you that LOVES being lazy and showing other people that you do not care about not making money for a purpose.
What is the purpose?
Memetic Engineer:
You tell me. You are in there. You are getting the reward right now. It is the biggest payoff there could be for a part of you.
I can't think of it.
Memetic Engineer:
Thinking puts you in your mind. Purpose is not in your mind. Purpose is in your Being. By looking in your mind you force yourself to not find the answer. And anyway, finding the answer is not the answer! It looks like this session is over for now. We will stop here. Perhaps in the meantime if you build the Matrix to hold a different Possibility than this, we can try again. Thank you for trusting me this far. Please let me know if you ever want to make another step with this.
Client's Original Issue:
I have to know the expectations of the authority figures. I don't know what is going to happen so I have to be prepared to keep everything safe.
Memetic Engineer:
What do you mean by the term 'safe'?
I need to tell my kids and my mother what is going on and each thing that I am doing so that they don't worry.
Memetic Engineer:
What is the problem if your mom worries?
If she worries she would cause more problems, put me in a difficult situation. She would make other people think that I am a problem or that I am crazy. She would talk with my brother, my sister, my kids, my friends. They would disconnect from me and treat me in a strange way. This is why I need to always explain myself in an acceptable way to them. I cannot actually be myself.
Memetic Engineer:
You developed the power of explaining things in ways that people did not worry about you.
Yes. But having to always explain myself so others feel safe makes me feel heavy. But I have to explain things this way otherwise people think I am crazy. I constantly have to weave a story about myself to prove that I am not a problem. But I can't be myself then.
Memetic Engineer:When you explain yourself like this you have to believe your own explanation instead of being yourself.
Memetic Engineer:What is it like when you cannot figure out your mom's expectations so you don't know how to formulate your explanations to her?
Then I get lost. I cannot make plans. I cannot move.
Memetic Engineer: If you don't know your mom's expectations, then you don't know what stories to make up that would be acceptable to her so she does not think you are crazy or a problem. This means your whole world is determined by other people's expectations even if you do not know what the expectations are. You do not get to occupy your own life because it makes certain people worry about you.
Memetic Engineer:
When you do not know what will happen then you cannot explain yourself correctly and you become a problem. And you keep encountering evidence that this is true. (Memetic Engineer keeps clearly repeating so that the Client is certain she is heard clearly at this level, and can risk going to the next deeper level.)
Memetic Engineer:
When did you put it together that you needed to have an explanation.
When I started to speak, when I was two or three years old.
Memetic Engineer:
In almost every situation since you were two or three years old you have been trying to find the expectations of the people around you so that you can explain yourself to their satisfaction.
Yes. And at work, my colleagues, my boss, my clients. Also in my friendships - I match what they want. I try to find where we have the same purpose so that I can fit with them. I want to make sure that they understand me so I keep giving them explanations.
Memetic Engineer:
You have strong necessity to keep explaining.
Yes, like being a mom, I want to make sense to my children because I want them to know what I am doing otherwise they think I am crazy, that I am unreasonable. Then people would think that I am not good for my children.
Memetic Engineer:
So actually then, your children do not know who you really are. They know your explanations to them from you about who you think they want you to be, but they do not know you.
Yes. I give them a different version of me that would fit into their expectations.
Memetic Engineer:
You give them a fake explanation of yourself, which in the end, might make people worry even more about you.
Yes. (Crying.)
Memetic Engineer:
Could you please tell us your Meme Construct in there? Could you tell us how it goes?
First, I figure out by scanning and listening to what is not said to learn about their fears, their needs, their expectations.
Second, I am pulled into the need to fit their expectations so they are okay. I make myself fit into their needs.
Third, I transform myself like an actress. I am their mirror. I reflect what other people want to see in me. This makes me feel safe because I belong there.But if I am myself, then there is no place for me. There is only place for the mirror of the others. It is not possible to be me and to be seen. It is the same with everybody, my mom, my existence is beyond her understanding. I have to make a story to explain myself in her understanding. Who I really am does not actually matter to my mom, or to my partner. I have to relate to people in ways that fit into their imagination.
Memetic Engineer:
You dance around everybody. There is no space for the real you. You do not inhabit your life.
Yes. (With sobs.)
Memetic Engineer:
The purpose of this conversation is to see your Memetic Construct. You can only see it from outside of it. After that you have a new freedom of movement and can occupy the huge space inside of yourself. You locked yourself inside of your Memetic Construct as a way to survive in your childhood circumstances. After you survive you do not need to stay in there anymore. Then your Memetic is like an old refrigerator over there in the corner. Now and then it makes a grinding sound that may attract your attention. It may try to tell you that it is 'safer' for your Being to be inside of its rigid wall. But do you really want to crawl back inside the old rusty refrigerator? Now you have a choice about that. To keep your freedom of movement you simply need to remember how your memes work together in your Memetic Construct. Would you please explain it to me one more time so we can make sure you have it?
The main assumption is that I do not have value if I do not relate to people from within their expectations.
First, I check to see if this person has worries or fears about me. My Meme Construct scans to see what are the ways they are afraid and how is their fear related to me? It makes the other person's reality into my reality.
Second, I make it that this person is not scared of me. I play like I have no clue when they are scared of my clarity so they do not cause a problem for me.
Third, I create this illusion of me, this avatar of me. They see the avatar of me. Whatever they do to the avatar of me does not affect me. There is no connection.
Memetic Engineer:
Your Meme Construct is an avatar generator. It creates one avatar for your mom, one avatar for your daughter, one for your son, Your son and your daughter have seen all of your various avatars. It drives them kind of crazy and makes them very afraid because they do not know who is really their mom.
Yes, that's exactly right. (Still sobbing.)
Memetic Engineer:
During recent years you have built up so many other ways of connecting with people. What could your new ways of relating be now that you are outside of your avatar generating Memetic Construct?
I don't have to get exhausted making avatars anymore. For new people I don't know I can keep my center and stay in my own space and let other people have their problems. I don't worry if they freak out because now I can be present and be okay with being different from them and let them be different from me.
For people I already know, I don't put on my avatar for them anymore. When they notice this, then at the right moment I make a safe place and say, "I am going to tell you about the Meme Construct I built as a little girl and used my whole life until recently. It worked for me to survive, but it did not let me be me. I have changed my mind about staying inside of my Meme Construct. Do you have any questions?"
Memetic Engineer:
There is a chance that as you do this practice you could lose half of your current friends because their Meme Construct needs you to stay inside of your Meme Construct. Do you understand this?
Memetic Engineer:
At the same time, you will make new friends who have been waiting around for your Being to come out and play with their Being exactly as you are.
How are you feeling right now with this shift?
I feel the left part of my head going on, relaxing the explanation overdrive impulse. The fear is changing. I feel this awareness that I no longer have to try to heal everybody all the time. I no longer feel this reflex to make myself small or hide, or get ready for the pain from people thinking I am a problem. It feels like by Being is expanding and occupying the new inner space.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes. Before now, your Meme Construct owned you. Now you own your Meme Construct. In the next few weeks you will get used to your new inner freedom of movement. You will feel more courageous about expressing yourself while you connect with people without all those avatars. Nice work..
In this sample Memetic Engineering Session you can see how the Client's memes can impact their heart and their Being to such a degree that they establish an entire Survival Strategy that fades into invisible normalcy through use, while still radically controlling their 'adult' life, blocking them from Presence, Intimacy, and Aliveness, innocently fulfilling the original task of keeping them 'safe'.
Memetic Engineer:
What can I do for you?
(The Client cannot explain his real issue. He is a middle aged German man. This is the second attempt at beginning this online Process. The first one failed due to 'internet breakdown', something that can occur during sessions involving tremendous unconscious fear. Modern tech is not robust in a field of fear. This session began the same way. Zoom would not work. Telegram would not work. We moved to the ancient Skype platform, finally getting it to work with voice only, no picture, and no recording. This entire session is done with voice only and is written down from memory.)
Memetic Engineer:
I am okay if you do not want to answer my question. The life you are living is not my life. But if you do not talk with me, this session is over, and I don't want to try again when the technology might work better. This will be it.
Right now I feel scared.
Memetic Engineer:
Look, this is not a check in call. This is not about what you are feeling right now. This is about what is going on or not going on in your life that you want to change. You have a big opportunity right now to change big things in your life. And, if you cannot tell me what is going on, then this conversation is over.
I feel confused, like I am not really here.
Memetic Engineer:
What I have heard you say so far is that you feel scared and confused and not really here. It seems to me like you have created a Survival Strategy for yourself that if you start to feel afraid, then you confuse yourself and go away.
Memetic Engineer:
Close your eyes and without thinking about it, point to where you go. I cannot see your arm, so you have to tell me where you are pointing.
I go behind me, back and to the left a little bit. When I feel scared I am blown back there.
Memetic Engineer:
The fear triggers you to be blown back and to the left.
Memetic Engineer:
I have a theory. Do you want to hear my theory?
Memetic Engineer:
You have five bodies, right? Your physical body, your intellectual body, your emotional body which is centered around your heart, your energetic body, and your archetypal body, and they are all connected and interacting through your Being. My theory is that your Being has made a deal with your heart that when your heart feels fear, it blows your Being back and to the left to keep it safe. What do you think about my theory?
Yes (sobbing). That's it.
Memetic Engineer:
I have a question I want you to check out. At what percentage intense fear does your heart blow back your Being?
Twenty percent.
Memetic Engineer:
I think it is much less than that.
Well, maybe about ten percent.
Memetic Engineer:
I think it is less than that. My Feelings Detector says you are only feeling about four or five percent fear right now, and you are still not fully here with me.
Yes. So, maybe the trigger is even at four percent intensity. But it is not blowing. It is more like sucking. Some kind of vacuum is pulling me back.
Memetic Engineer:
Hmmmm. Your heart is not able to create a vacuum back behind you and to the left. Your heart could blow you there, but not suck you back there, because it is not back there. That means there must be something back behind you and to the left that is doing the sucking. What is back there?
(Feeling more scared, but highly motivated to find out what is going on now.) There is a cave back there. A dark foggy cave that can suck me back. And when I go into it a get paralyzed and forget what is going on. I have very few memories of my school years or my childhood.
Memetic Engineer:
I have another question. In order for the dark foggy cave to know when to suck you back safely into it, there needs to be a signal from your heart to tell it to start sucking. What is the communication method between your heart and the cave? What connects them together that the cave can receive the signal to start sucking?
It is not a wire. It is a thin kind of chain, like on certain old toilets there is a chain that hangs down that you pull on to make them flush. This chain hangs down from my heart and goes back behind me to the cave. When the fear reaches four percent intense, then my heart immediately pulls on the chain and the dark foggy cave sucks me right into it and I get paralyzed and forget what is going on.
Memetic Engineer:
Yes! (chuckling) I know those old toilets with the chain. I lived on an Ashram in France for ten years, and I even installed one of those toilets once. It made such a horrible sucking sound every time someone flushed it!
(silently crying)
Memetic Engineer:
This is an amazing mechanism that you built. I would love to know when you built it. How old were you when you built it?
About three years old.
Memetic Engineer:
What was happening when you were about three years old?
My father would scream at me. My mother would get angry at me about something and then she would say, "Just wait until your father gets home and I tell him what you did!" (sobbing loudly) And then my father would come home and scream at me.
Memetic Engineer:
I am sorry this happened to you. This should not have happened to you. This is psychological and emotional abuse. You were only three years old, and you were being emotionally and psychologically abused by the people who were supposed to be taking care of you. I am so sorry that this happened to you.
(sobs loudly)
Memetic Engineer:
So you created this machinery inside of yourself such that as soon as your heart experienced more than four percent fear, it pulled on the chain to tell the foggy dark cave to suck you back and to the left where you were frozen and forget everything.
Yes. The cave is also in a forest of trees.
Memetic Engineer:
Nice. You feel safer in the forest?
Memetic Engineer:
I have learned about many hundreds of different kinds of Survival Strategies that people have created to keep them safe. They are all incredibly clever and effective, but I never heard of a mechanism like yours. It is really something you can be proud of because it worked for all these years, and you are still safe.
Yes. But... I am so alone... I feel so disconnected... I can't commit to anything, or to a relationship. I had a kind of a breakdown at work and I don't get it together to find a job.
Memetic Engineer:
Well that makes sense. Keeping you alone and disconnected is exactly what your machine is designed to do. If you had gone through authentic adulthood initiatory processes when you were intended to, at eighteeen years old, the machine would have been removed from service a long time ago. But since you did not have initiations back then, the machine is still in place doing the same thing it started to do when you were three years old.
What should I do?
Memetic Engineer:
Well, that I cannot decide for you. You are stuck at three years old in there. If you come out now, you will need to start over. You will need to learn to run, and ride a bike, and read a book, learn things, color with crayons. This first thing you might need to do is go get ice cream, or do roller skating, or run in the forest with the bugs and the animals. But you are the one who built the mechanism. So you would need to be the one to take it apart if you ever want to. You could, of course, live the rest of your life with the mechanism in place and you would stay safe. The only thing you need to do to stop the machine is cut that chain near your heart so it cannot signal the cave anymore. Then you would have to be there in the realities of the world and all your fear about what is going on.
I feel afraid... (feeling afraid)
Memetic Engineer:
Yes. I do not recommend cutting the chain now. Have you been in Rage Club?
Yes. Twice.
Memetic Engineer:
Super! Have you been in Fear Club?
No. But I am registered for an in-person, three-day Fear Club next weekend.
Memetic Engineer:
Hallejulah! You were really ready for this! Wonderful! During Fear Club, I propose that you make it your challenge to become friends with your fear. You need to be happily friends with the energy and information from your very low intensity two percent to thirteen percent intense fears all the way up to one-hundred percent intense fears.
Okay. I will do that.
Memetic Engineer:
And if during Fear Club, you really feel friendly with your fear as an ally, as a Resource, on Sunday afternoon of the Fear Club you could ask the Spaceholders to hold space for you to do this Self Surgery Process of cutting the chain. It would go like this. You stand there with your eyes closed and you walk up towards yourself from behind with your Being and you get very close to your heart. Then, out loud, so that everyone in the room can hear you, you say, "Hello Heart." And when your heart says, "Hello," back to you, you say, "A long time ago, when I was about three years old, I asked you to figure out some way to protect me from my screaming father and my mother who was not protecting me, and you came up with an amazing idea. You figured out to make a foggy dark cave in the forest behind me and to the left a little, and you connected yourself to the cave with a toilet chain so you could send a signal. Then whenever you detected more than four percent intense fear, you pulled on the chain and the foggy dark cave instantly sucked me back deep inside of it where I would be paralyzed and freeze-up and forget about everything. And it worked. Look! Here I am! I survived! Thank you for saving my life!" Your heart will say, "You are welcome. I was happy to do this for you!" Then you say, "During the last couple of years I have been learning new things about feel and communicate my feelings and emotions, and about how to take care of myself in the world, and I am ready to take over from the chain and the cave. Then you and I will be able to relate more closely. I will get all my feelings and emotions back and be able to connect with other human beings heart to heart. Are you ready for this too?" Your heart will say, "Yes, I am ready." That is when you can bring out your energetic cutting pliers, cut the chain, and be free of the cave. What do you think?
I am excited to do this.
Memetic Engineer:
Well then, do you need anything else from me right now?
No. I am so excited to know about the cave and the chain. Thank you for this conversation.
Memetic Engineer:
You are welcome. Thank you too. See you later.
Client's Original Issue:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Memetic Engineer:
Process: "I cannot do something if I don't know how to do it."with Beth McNamara, coached by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Process: "I don't have enough energy."with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Process: "I don't have enough time", going back to being born again.with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Processwith Anne-Chloé Destremau
Processwith Clinton Callahan
Processwith Clinton Callahan
Process: "Being a Good Mother"with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Process: "I hate it that I care."with Clinton Callahan
Process: "My life needs to be small and simple."with Isabel Esterl, coached by Anne-Chloé Destremau
building bridges to another shore
Memetic Engineer:
Could you please review for me how your Memetic Construct is put together, how it all hangs together and works.
I do not deserve kindness.
If someone is kind to me, I would be tempted to be kind in return.
If I am kind I would radiate goodness and originality.
If I radiate goodness and originality then other people will come and take everything away from me, rape me, destroy me, demonize me, and abandon me...
Therefore, I cannot be kind to anyone.
And, I cannot let anyone be kind to me.
I do not deserve kindness.
(Pause, with tears.)
Whew... I never saw how this all works together before.
I am somehow so relieved.
Memetic Engineer:
Here is the thing. The only way you can see all this at once is from the outside. Do you get that? On the inside, it owns you. On the outside, you own it.
Becoming fiercely aware of your Meme Construct puts you on the outside of it.
Now that you are on the outside of your survival Meme Construct you can take a look around in you and discover that you have a huge amount of additional space in there for truly living rather than merely surviving. Can you see that?
Memetic Engineer:
Notice that you do not have to take your old Meme Construct apart. You do not have to fight it, destroy it, or get rid of it. You only need to become hyper-aware of it.
Now you are on the outside of it.
If you stop inhabiting your Meme Construct it will eventually decompose. Through disuse it will fade away.
Memetic Engineer:
Were you ever in a room where there was some old refrigerator or dishwasher making noises in the background?
Memetic Engineer:
This is what it might be like with your Meme Construct. Sometimes it will make an annoying background noise. It does not mean anything. Your Meme Construct might also try to send an urgent request for you to jump back into it so that it can 'protect' you. That would be like putting a straight-jacket and handcuffs back on. Instead, you can notice the noise that your Meme Construct makes and tell yourself, "Oh, yes. That is the old Meme Construct making noise," then ignore it and go on about your life with vastly more space to create.
You could also use the sound of the old Meme Construct refrigerator, whenever you hear it, as a reminder to do a particularly useful experiment, for example, to say a clear, "No," or, renegotiating one of your 5 Body intimacies.
The irritating background sound from your old Meme Construct could be a reminder to practice. Your practice, for example, might be, instead of mechanically trying to make everything perfect, you consciously feel your fear of not knowing and let the space of the unknown speak its wisdom to you.
As a Memetic Engineer, you might want to check in with your Client after a few days and have them repeat back their Meme Construct to you from A to Z. When they have done that you can ask, "What have you been noticing about your Meme Construct?" They might say something like, "My usual fear of people is just gone. The energetic flow of my daily life is completely changed around." What you are checking for is integration.
Big surgeries like Memetic Engineering may sometimes require going through several layers. Completing an awareness expansion on one level might prepare the Client for going through two, three, or four more levels. More than this would almost never be needed.
NOTE: The suggestions below might be important to explain at the end of a Memetic Engineering Session if your Client is new to Conscious Feelings and has not yet adopted the feelings and emotions distinctions of Possibility Management Thoughtmaps.
Memetic Engineer:
I need you to know that for the next few months it could be that big repressed emotions suddenly come welling up out of your heart for no reason. Please make time and space when they come up to feel them consciously and out loud, not just in your mind.
If you are driving, please carefully pull over to the side of the road and experience and express the emotions out loud.
It is wonderful if there is someone with you (in person or online) who can simply witness your emotions for you.
You can tell them, "I am fine. There is nothing wrong with me, and nothing to fix. Please don't try to make these feelings go away. I have wanted to have my feelings back my whole life and here they are. Please just listen."
Then go ahead!
Also, when emotions come up, let's say fear comes up, please remember to say, "Welcome Fear. What do you have for me?" Or "Welcome anger, what to you have for me?" etc. Also with sadness or joy.
Write down what your feelings or emotions have for you in your Beep! Book.
Perhaps it is something you are longing for and have been missing.
Perhaps it is something to watch out for, to change in a contract, a promise you made and forgot to keep, a boundary to make, or an intimacy to renegotiate.
After you have written down the information and received the energy from your feelings and emotions, then you say, "Thank you."
Later (3 seconds later... 3 days later...) you can decide what, if anything, you will to do about it. You do not have to do anything.
Remember, feelings are for handling things. Emotions are for healing things.
You have just reconnected to a huge inner resource for the rest of your life.
Thank you.
discovering the structure of madness
It can help to explain to your Client at the outset that:
- Memetic Engineering is a procedure from Possibility Psychology.
- Possibility Psychology has the purpose of gaining practical access to new possibility, in comparison with the purpose of traditional Freudian-Jungian Psychoanalysis which is to understand.
- The results of Memetic Engineering occur rather suddenly, often immediately, and the changes in awareness, viewpoint, and strategy tend to be rather permanent. What this means is that their life could suddenly change. Your Client should be informed that this is a real possibility.
- Thinking that you can un-do awareness as as deceptive as thinking you can un-pop popcorn, un-sprout a sunflower seed, or put a newly hatched chick back into its shell. Evolution of consciousness is a one way road. Memetic Engineering is evolution of consciousness.
- Memetic Engineering sessions and notes are private and confidential, for use by the Client only. Occasionally a Memetic Engineer asks permission from a Client to anonymously publish their session notes so that new Memetic Engineers can also learn. The gracious generosity and courage of Memetic Engineering Clients is the source of all the notes on this website.
Memetic Engineering is typically done sitting in straight-back-chairs, face-to-face, in private one-on-one sessions online-or-offline. Memetic Engineering has also been done in a Café setting, or even on a stroll through the woods. The important ingredients are a quiet focused safe-space where every nuance can be perceived both by the Memetic Engineer and the Client, and where notes can be made to keep track of what is discovered.
Occasionally a Memetic Engineering session is done within a circle of witnesses who are themselves developing their Memetic Engineering skills. Then afterwards a Q & A session is offered to explore practical distinctions.
Establishing an unshakable Context for your Memetic Engineering sessions is crucial to the success of the Possibility Psychology. Which Context do you Set, and how do you Set Context?
A more complete exploration of the Context, Distinctions, Tools, Thoughtmaps, and Practices for Memetic Engineering is given on the Set Context website, and also on the Possibilitator website.
In short, the Context for powerful Memetic Engineering includes Clarity, 5 Bodies, First Position, 13 Tools, 7 Core Skills, Spaceholding, Metaconversation, Fair Unfair, Taking A Stand for the Context, Being Unhookable, Bright Principles, Presence, Noticing, Split Attention, Self Observation, Stellated Feelings, The Waking State, Initiated Gremlin, Radical Honesty, Minimized NOW, Radical Responsibility, Completion Loops, Vacuum Learning, and Your Quest.
To find yourself delivering Memetic Engineering implies that your Archetypal Lineage is of the Evolutionary type, in the Wizard tradition.
The value of a successful Memetic Engineering session is not actually convertible into a monetary currency. One Memetic Engineering session can cause an equivalent amount of sustainable transformation as two years of therapy, or a full-anesthesia surgical procedure in the hospital, for example. It can permanently heal an emotional wound that might eventually cause a serious physical, emotional, or mental illness. It can safely open your internal works so more love flows in your life. You may even gain the gumption to deliver the change-and-possibility services you came here to deliver.
Some exchange of value is necessary.
What this means is that providing Memetic Engineering without an exchange of value creates an imbalance that bothers the Universe.
Pricing for a single private Memetic Engineering session varies from currency to currency. Standard exchange for a 1.5 hour Memetic Engineering session (the typical duration) in Europe is a sliding scale between 100 Euros to 300 Euros.
Be clear about your Purpose and your Service.
Memetic Engineering is a Possibilitator Specialty for serving your Archearchy Village.
If you have not moved your Point Of Origin into the context and domain of your Possibilitator Specialty then you are not powered by its archetypal sources.
Practice introducing yourself to others as a 'Memetic Engineer'.
Practice telling yourself in the mirror as you brush your teeth: "I am a Memetic Engineer."
Also be sure to collaborate with other Memetic Engineers so as to gain internal freedom of movement from your own Memetic Construct. Opening, understanding and perceiving your own Memetic Construct sets immense healing in motion for others.
During your first few Memetic Engineering processes you may notice that you are not quite getting to the core of the Memetic Construct. It may feel like walking around a locked room and not being able to find the key into it.
It turns out that a Memetic Engineering requires a kind of Conscious Arrogance to do Memetic Surgeries.
It is the Memetic Engineer's job to stand outside of the Client's Memetic Construct (which is a part of their Inner Structure and be amazed at how furiously and fastidiously the Client defends themselves in their little prison.The Client's Golden Key for stepping outside of their Memetic Construct is already inserted into the lock on the inside of their Memetic Construct!
It is NOT the Memetic Engineer's job to find the Client's Key or to use the Key. This is the Client's job.
If your Client does not want to use their Golden Key to open the door through the wall of their Memetic Construct and step out of their Memetic Prison Construct into their immense inner space, that is NOT your problem.You cannot do this for your Client. It will not work.
Your job as a Memetic Engineer is to stand outside of their Memetic Prison, help them see the pattern over and over as they go around through the Memetic Gymnastics within their prison walls, and tell your Client how amazed you are that they would prefer to repeat these Reactivity patterns over and over endlessly with their lives.
It is insane that the Client still does this, however it is understandable because they are not yet initiated. All the Client can do is pace around and around inside their cage like a lion in a zoo, unknowingly wasting their adult life.It is painful for a Memetic Engineer to witness this behavior so intimately. But this is our job: to feel and communicate this pain without trying to manipulate your Client AT ALL.
Please keep going with your Experiments! We have seen so many 'miracle' transformations happen with Memetic Engineering.
We thank you for navigating this work for your people. Please stay in touch with us and let us know how it is going.EXPERIMENTS AND FURTHER EXPLORATIONS
where to go from here...
Matrix Code MEMENGIN.01
This is an Experiment you can do in pairs at your Team, such as your online-or-offline Possibility Team. or Research Team. There are a number of measurable steps you can take to learn to Consciously Feel:
- Shift to the 5 Bodies Thoughtmap.
- Shift to Experiential Reality.
- Become Present in a Minimized NOW.
- Shift to the New Thoughtmap of Four Feelings.
- Lower your Numbness Bar.
- Calibrate your Feelings Detector.
- Continuously differentiate between Feelings and Emotions.
Meet with your Team and grow your Conscious Feelings skills using exercises given at the website link above of your choosing.
Matrix Code MEMENGIN.02
This is an Experiment you can do in pairs at your Team, such as your online-or-offline Possibility Team. or Research Team.
Meet in groups of 3 or 4 during your Team. Each person has their Beep! Book. Clearly help each other describe the Box Mechanics of their Survival Strategy. See which of the 18 Boxes are involved.,
Matrix Code MEMENGIN.03
This is an Experiment you can do in pairs at your Team, such as your online-or-offline Possibility Team. or Research Team.
For the next 14 days list in detail in your Beep! Book
under the heading MY NEUROTIC ATTENTIONS each thing you notice yourself neurotically or unconsciously putting your attention on, being overly concerned about, reacting to, arguing about, defending, having expectations about, etc. Do not judge what you write. Only Notice it neutrally to become more aware of how it works inside of you.
Matrix Code MEMENGIN.04
This is an Experiment you can do in pairs at your Team, such as your online-or-offline Possibility Team. or Research Team.
For the next 14 days list in detail in your Beep! Book
under the heading MY NEUROTIC ATTENTIONS each thing you notice yourself neurotically or unconsciously avoiding putting your attention on, being overly concerned about neglecting, reacting to by entering your fantasy world, arguing to stay naive about, etc. Do not judge what you write. Only Notice it thoroughly.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code MEMENGIN.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!